Our case worker came to the house yesterday for the third and
final visit. She had several more questions for us, but this time about our community. She wanted to know what we thought about living in the country, what we liked about it and didn't like. She asked about our neighbors...which are few. We were happy to tell her that all of our neighbors attend our church and they are really good people. We also had to tell her how many miles to the nearest hospital in case of emergencies. She even wanted to know where we would send our children to school (James Valley was our answer, by the way).
After she finished with her questions, she walked around the house just to check things out. She took the
water temperature (ours was perfect at 120 deg). She asked how many
smoke alarms we had. You're supposed to have one in every bedroom and at least one on every level. We have to pick up a few more.
She ended the session by working through our
adoption plan. This is a list of items we filled out that they use to match us with an expectant mother. It went mostly well, but we do have some things to think about. We also came up with a list of goals to work on over the next few weeks.
Overall, it went really well. We are now done with all of the preliminary work. She will write up our
report and send it to us for review. After they approve it, we will become a
waiting family. She tells us that it will be approved
next week.
Yellow Rubber Duckies in the Baby's Room |
On a side note: In celebration of being done with all this adoption paperwork stuff, we ordered a crib and a changing table for the baby's room. In the picture are the pac-n-play, stroller, and rubber duckies. We're going with a brown, green, and yellow theme since we won't know the gender of the baby. Either way, we figure it's time to start decorating the baby's room!