I don't know how much this has to do with adoption, but it is part of the story.
Just after we made an appointment to visit with the adoption agency, I (Jeremiah) received my notice to report for jury duty. The appointment with the agency was to be on Monday, January 10 at 6:30 pm in Sioux Falls and the trial was to begin that day, too, but in Huron. The judge said the trial would start in the morning and finish up by 5 pm. Since that ending time wouldn't give us enough time to get to Sioux Falls for the meeting, I was getting a little nervous. Long story short, I've been sitting in the jury selection process for the past two days. They had to narrow down 60 potential jurors to the twelve required and two alternates. I just found out an hour ago that I was not selected for the jury. I can now breathe a sigh of relief. I love our nation's system, but doesn't jury duty always come up when something else important is going on in your life? We're going to the meeting on Monday as planned:)